Gaia, Part 2
Resa Blatman, 2015, oil and latex paint on laser-cut PVC, PETG and Mylar, knitted yarn, silk and plastic flora, 96″h x 168″w x 24″d, © 2015, courtesy of the artist
Resa Blatman
Resa Blatman identifies her work as a visual commentary on climate change and environmental issues. Her artistic process is filled with intention; she creates heavily layered paintings and installations, combining paint, assemblage pieces, and intricately laser-cut forms that both connect and fragment the artwork. This complexity is meant to reveal nature’s vast beauty, but also its delicate state when subject to the hands of modern humanity. As Blatman notes, her work seeks to remind us of the “precarious nature of our habitat” and “speaks to the vulnerability of the earth that we so easily take for granted.” Inspired by decorative Victorian, Baroque, and romantic art, Blatman transforms traditional decorative objects into beautifully rendered micro-environments that are at once haunting and lovely. Ominous, dark clouds are a typical backdrop in her works, looming behind an array of painted and sculptural flora that wildly outgrow the frame in which they were once confined. Perhaps Blatman is modeling humanity’s tendency to tame and mold nature, and nature’s struggle to resist those efforts. Each of Blatman’s sublime works is a living entity, gripping to the gallery walls and stretching toward the floor, actively trying to break from their mold and take root. Blatman’s art is a glimpse into the great force of nature and its dynamic vitality. It breathes and lives, destroys and dies, and once again blooms and regenerates. There is a poetic beauty in nature’s self destruction and rebirth, but that beauty can be lost when humanity interrupts this cycle and pushes nature beyond the point of recovery.
Explore the Gallery

Gaia, Part 1
Resa Blatman, 2015, oil and glitter on laser-cut PVC and PETG; oil and latex paint on hand-cut Mylar, silk and plastic flora, 100″h x 348″w x 12″d, © 2015, courtesy of the artist

Trouble in Paradise 3
Resa Blatman, 2015, latex paint on Mylar and PVC, silk and plastic flora, 76″h x 17.5″w x 10″d, © 2015, courtesy of the artist

Trouble in Paradise 2
Resa Blatman, 2015, latex paint on Mylar and PVC, silk and plastic flora, 74.5″h x 17.5″w x 10″d, © 2015, courtesy of the artist

Resa Blatman, 2013, oil and glitter on layered, laser-cut panels, 42″h x 100″w x 3″d, © 2013, courtesy of the artist