Burial Mound
Al Grumet, 2015, digital composite, 52″ x 32″, © 2015, courtesy of the artist
Al Grumet
Al Grumet is a multi-media artist whose work combines the tools of digital photography with the voice of traditional painting. He is a storyteller, and draws upon a mischievous sense of humor in his depiction of human choices gone awry. In the works featured here, Grumet presents environmental dramas that merge fact and fiction, and feature ghostly figures who dissolve into dystopian landscapes. He extracts fragments of our daily experience and weaves them into troubling portraits of a collective binge. We encounter a variety of characters in these scenes, each waging a personal battle with nature. We see bystanders engaged in their business as usual, apathetic to the looming hangover that awaits them. We see victims embedded in the landscape, drowning in streams of waste and bound to their situation by addiction, habit or misfortune. As we examine these characters, we see glimpses of our own lives in their wants and their struggles. And we begin to understand the consequences of our own choices and the urgency of change for the sake of future generations.
Explore the Gallery

Fighting Over the Last Piece of Sushi
Al Grumet, 2015, digital composite, 42″ x 27″, © 2015, courtesy of the artist

The Beasts of Burden
Al Grumet, 2015, digital composite, 43″ x 24″, © 2015, courtesy of the artist

A Crude Attempt at Humor
Al Grumet, 2015, digital composite, 48″ x 26″, © 2015, courtesy of the artist

Stacking the Deck
Al Grumet, 2015, digital composite, 35″ x 27″, © 2015, courtesy of the artist

Hanging in the Balance
Al Grumet, 2018, digital composite, 61.5″ x 35″, © 2018, courtesy of the artist