Support Our Work
“Believe in your rights as artists to transform the world, and make every problem an art problem.” — Theaster Gates
Learn more about our featured artists in the print gallery below OR
DONATE NOW TO RECEIVE YOUR FINE ART PRINTFighting Over the Last Piece of Sushi
Al Grumet
Donation level: $800 and above
Language of Light
Susan Plum
Donation level: $1000 and above for pair of images
Laocoon, Mars Adrift on the Hourglass Sea
Kahn & Selesnick
Donation level: $900 and above
Elephant Prayer
Scott Ramsay
Donation level: $500 and above
Juno's Fortitude
Alayna Van Dervort
Donation level: $700 and above
Rose Petals
Agency Volontaire
Donation level: $500 and above for each Apricot or Rose image
The Sleeping Self
Gabriela Morawetz
Donation level: $700 and above
Subsoil Petrol
Antonio Briceño
Donation: $700 and above
Art Works for Change gift box of all ten prints
Donation: $10,000 and above